Creating your 'self'.
Sep 02, 2016![](
Author: Charlotte Evans
We are a blend of 3 parts, each separate and distinct but with one of the parts missing we would not exist, they work together and influence each other. It is the interconnection of these three things that create who 'you' are. The body the brain and the mind. A holy trinity - creating humans and humanity.
If there is a problem in one area, it will affect the others and each of them is as important as the other. If you ignore one aspect of this trinity, the other two parts will suffer.
So let's take a look at each part in turn, and discover how they all combine in blissful creation.
The Body
Your physical being is made up of muscles, nerves, organs, bones, blood, chemicals, minerals - in a dance of constantly tryin to maintain balance. In biological terms, it is called homeostasis which means trying to maintain equilibrium between interdepant states. Our bodies are in a constant state of flux and motion. Your brain seeks to always get you into your comfort zone, to maintain homeostasis. If you miss a meal, your body releases hormones that make you feel hungry. Go for a run and push yourself a little and your body will create new pathways in your muscles to carry more oxygen to your leg muscles - thus making it easier for you to do that next time. Your comfort zone, can change, you can train your body and become 'fit' - which means that your body adapts to the workout, creates a new comfort zone, so exercises that used to challenge you no longer do. Your body has an almost endless ability to adapt. This is also why calorie reduction 'diets' stops working - your body just adjusts to the lesser amount of food, and when we regularly go to the gym, we need harder and heavier weights to get the same results because your body adapts it gets stronger and improves so that you can maintain homeostasis. Your body really is a finely tuned machine. Amazing.
The Brain
A couple of pounds of fatty matter encased in your skull. As unimpressive as it looks from google images this is a genuinely exceptional organ, and it is where all your consciousness takes pace. Your brain requires and an enormous amount of energy to function, 25% of the oxygen you breath is used by the brain.
It has billions of neurons, and each neuron has up to ten thousand connections to other neurons. It can perform a billion calculations every second. The computing compacity if one human brain is as powerful as all the computers in the world put together.
Impressive stuff.
This organ handles all of the information about your body, how it is feeling, functioning and working. Your brain is in a constant state of monitoring measuring and supplying everything your body needs to live and at the same time, it is also processing all of the information from the world in which you live and making constant adjustments to keep you in homeostasis.
Million of bits of information that are happening every second. Most of this incoming data is handled automatically. We become consciously aware of a tiny fraction of this info, and only when we need too. For example, the weather heats up; you become aware that your thirsty or you take a layer of clothes off. If your still hot you may move to the shade or turn on the air con. You become consciously aware that your sweaty and starting t feel uncomfortable, so you consciously start to seek a way back to homeostasis.
When our brain malfunctions either physically or chemically, it effects our feelings. If you get heat stroke, for example, you feel confused, often angry and lose the ability to reason; you feel dizzy nauseous and stop sweating. If you stay too hot, you die. You have come to far out of your comfort zone to quickly or for to long and your body can no longer maintain its balanced state.
The Mind
If you are walking down the street and suddenly a car mounts the pavement in front of you will immediately react with fear and jump out of the way. Why? Because your body has responded to a thought from your mind. You mind in that split second sensed danger, your brain instantly kicked in and sent a message to your adrenal glands to dump adrenaline into your blood. Your heart starts to race; your breathing gets rapid, and you are filled with energy to run, jump and fight, your pupils dilate so you can see better - you are in full action mode. These lower order functioning responses are usually related to life or death situations. Higher functioning things, like creative thinking or reading complicated instructions can't happen in these heightened states those higher functioning abilities are turned off because right now you are a specialist survival machine.
A few hundred thousand years ago when we were hunter-gatherers roaming around the grassy plains, we might have been lunch for something that was bigger, faster and hungrier than us, so we needed these split-second abilities to save our lives.
However, we have advanced so much and so rapidly in evolutionary terms that our ancient brains respond a nasty social media hater in the same way we use to respond to a saber tooth tiger. Your mind senses 'threat' and the response is automatic.
This ancient design is not useful in our modern world where we have so much manufactured anxiety.
You are driving to work, and you think" I am not thin enough" and you remember that the washing machine has broken down and the car needs to be serviced and you have to deliver on a massive project at 2 pm today and its only half finished. Your mind sensing stress - triggers the brain which sets off your fight or flight response. You feel nausea, rapid heartbeat; you feel dizzy lightheaded and like you want to be anywhere but where you are.
How your 'feel' about stress and how your respond to 'stress' is unique to you because the thought process goes on in your mind and your mind triggers chemical reactions to take place in your body.
The world you see and the world you live in is unique to you and its all in your head. Let me repeat this point because it's important - your reactions to the world are all in your head. Once you fully grasp this piece of information, you can start down the path of changing your life.
Your mind is creating the world in which you live in. The relationships you have, the way you feel about people around you, the way you feel about yourself are all filters from your mind, and most of those filters were created unintentionally
So the brain has billions of neuron connections, and pathways and the body have the ability to move and survive but the bit that makes us 'us' well that is your mind. All interconnected, and one cannot exist without the others. All separate and distinct. All the bits of data are stored in your brain but to make the connections and create an experience that makes up a 'life' requires 'you.'
The brain is not a hard drive that can operate on its own; it needs animation and our conscious minds to make everything work.
Once you understand this, you can get very clear on this concept you will understand more about manifesting than 90 percent of people on the planet. This is the basis and the crux of living the life you want, how you show up, how to keep motivated, how to create abundance and how to guide other people to the same realizations. You can literally, create yourself. A big part of being happy with yourself is getting high-quality sleep time.